A legacy of volunteers, mentors and role models

Many of our volunteers are our former program participants – they are Hawaii’s physicians, lawyers, business leaders, teachers, performing artists, media personalities and entrepreneurs. These individuals inspire our young women. As we grow DYW of Hawai'i, we seek to increase these opportunities with more formal leadership development programs. We believe that within our volunteer base and our professional connections in the community, that Distinguished Young Women is poised to become the premier leadership experience for high school girls in Hawaii. Distinguished Young Women is a completely volunteer organization that depends on the support of our community in order to thrive.
2024-2025 Board of Directors
Corlis Chang | President
Natalie Young Albanese
Rowena Blaisdell
Marsha Bolson
Amy Dean Caliboso
Cecily Ching
Duane Chun | Treasurer
Christian Kitamura-Izu
The Honorable Judge Marie Milks
Sarah Morihara | State Chair
Ligaya Stice
Lynn Uehara
DYWH Volunteers:
Kim Takata Endo | Fitness Choreographer
Josette Huang | Social Media
Ashley Luke | Production Chair
Chelsea Robinson | Production Chair
Lorie Nagata | BYBS Essay Coordinator
Amy Uehara | BYBS Judge
Hannah Matsunaga | BYBS Judge
Bette Chun
Paige Morihara
Sara Ota
Key Supporters:
Carlito Caliboso
Rodney Chang
Denise Fleming
Eddy Fong
Greg Grauman
Sandra Kim
Alvin Kitamura
Derrick Lee
Kent and Sarah Morihara
Pua and Heather Rochlen
Lei Rowan
Dr. Brandy Ann Sato
Sara Sato
Lucas Sayin
Glenn Sexton
Nan Chul Shin
Dr. Lawrence Tseu
Garret and Lynn Uehara